Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 01:05 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 1721581
Total Files 1374741
Total Pages 1667381
Total Visits 15718
Total KBytes 11667802
Total Unique Sites 5128
Total Unique URLs 2672
Total Unique Referrers 2736
Total Unique Usernames 7
Total Unique User Agents 1550
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2391 90438
Hits per Day 57386 184599
Files per Day 45824 110163
Pages per Day 55579 156159
Visits per Day 523 1092
KBytes per Day 388927 1376788
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 2379
Code 200 - OK 1374741
Code 206 - Partial Content 6580
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 430
Code 302 - Found 2566
Code 304 - Not Modified 412
Code 400 - Bad Request 901
Code 403 - Forbidden 2807
Code 404 - Not Found 320532
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 63
Code 417 - Expectation Failed 11
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 10150
Code 501 - Not Implemented 9

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 36040 2.09% 35567 2.59% 35014 2.10% 533 3.39% 353 6.88% 109154 0.94%
2 39709 2.31% 39095 2.84% 39055 2.34% 418 2.66% 315 6.14% 126401 1.08%
3 40442 2.35% 39914 2.90% 39868 2.39% 409 2.60% 338 6.59% 129959 1.11%
4 41413 2.41% 41085 2.99% 40657 2.44% 585 3.72% 437 8.52% 158840 1.36%
5 40890 2.38% 40502 2.95% 40068 2.40% 560 3.56% 397 7.74% 197624 1.69%
6 40721 2.37% 40405 2.94% 39217 2.35% 498 3.17% 360 7.02% 148574 1.27%
7 43968 2.55% 43383 3.16% 42600 2.55% 474 3.02% 335 6.53% 240017 2.06%
8 45050 2.62% 44547 3.24% 44400 2.66% 611 3.89% 392 7.64% 306278 2.62%
9 43024 2.50% 42653 3.10% 42457 2.55% 583 3.71% 370 7.22% 269511 2.31%
10 54358 3.16% 44754 3.26% 49334 2.96% 791 5.03% 404 7.88% 282601 2.42%
11 43134 2.51% 42346 3.08% 42616 2.56% 519 3.30% 338 6.59% 182306 1.56%
12 184599 10.72% 110163 8.01% 156159 9.37% 1092 6.95% 363 7.08% 1376788 11.80%
13 37345 2.17% 33597 2.44% 36700 2.20% 588 3.74% 379 7.39% 268207 2.30%
14 37999 2.21% 37515 2.73% 37236 2.23% 537 3.42% 397 7.74% 238221 2.04%
15 42301 2.46% 41928 3.05% 41937 2.52% 464 2.95% 297 5.79% 263052 2.25%
16 44054 2.56% 43366 3.15% 43612 2.62% 489 3.11% 420 8.19% 501368 4.30%
17 46863 2.72% 46511 3.38% 45562 2.73% 403 2.56% 352 6.86% 495840 4.25%
18 45017 2.61% 36869 2.68% 44127 2.65% 466 2.96% 411 8.01% 478741 4.10%
19 148777 8.64% 44953 3.27% 147814 8.87% 502 3.19% 360 7.02% 473312 4.06%
20 41685 2.42% 41263 3.00% 41231 2.47% 407 2.59% 358 6.98% 258672 2.22%
21 41704 2.42% 41276 3.00% 41085 2.46% 353 2.25% 353 6.88% 161382 1.38%
22 42234 2.45% 41599 3.03% 41534 2.49% 529 3.37% 403 7.86% 182414 1.56%
23 42416 2.46% 42024 3.06% 41980 2.52% 543 3.45% 428 8.35% 169863 1.46%
24 135313 7.86% 46417 3.38% 134712 8.08% 720 4.58% 478 9.32% 432669 3.71%
25 51034 2.96% 50772 3.69% 50612 3.04% 505 3.21% 324 6.32% 561232 4.81%
26 54525 3.17% 54161 3.94% 53708 3.22% 468 2.98% 358 6.98% 788582 6.76%
27 51456 2.99% 51268 3.73% 50897 3.05% 450 2.86% 296 5.77% 796607 6.83%
28 53497 3.11% 53209 3.87% 52927 3.17% 536 3.41% 362 7.06% 791550 6.78%
29 101520 5.90% 53315 3.88% 100654 6.04% 499 3.17% 361 7.04% 741516 6.36%
30 50493 2.93% 50284 3.66% 49608 2.98% 465 2.96% 354 6.90% 536522 4.60%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1822 54688 3.18% 1807 54226 3.94% 1808 54257 3.25% 16348 490450 4.20%
1 1872 56183 3.26% 1857 55738 4.05% 1851 55558 3.33% 17481 524430 4.49%
2 2774 83234 4.83% 1850 55515 4.04% 2757 82730 4.96% 18442 553255 4.74%
3 2567 77034 4.47% 1862 55885 4.07% 2543 76315 4.58% 18801 564029 4.83%
4 3752 112579 6.54% 2335 70062 5.10% 3154 94621 5.67% 24817 744507 6.38%
5 3930 117926 6.85% 3033 90992 6.62% 3606 108203 6.49% 37668 1130041 9.69%
6 2712 81379 4.73% 2501 75033 5.46% 2659 79770 4.78% 26411 792316 6.79%
7 4921 147636 8.58% 1864 55946 4.07% 4890 146707 8.80% 18038 541135 4.64%
8 1809 54293 3.15% 1789 53680 3.90% 1780 53401 3.20% 13265 397948 3.41%
9 1835 55069 3.20% 1817 54537 3.97% 1807 54234 3.25% 13612 408356 3.50%
10 1862 55860 3.24% 1838 55154 4.01% 1824 54745 3.28% 13693 410776 3.52%
11 1872 56171 3.26% 1845 55364 4.03% 1828 54840 3.29% 14246 427385 3.66%
12 3300 99028 5.75% 1825 54771 3.98% 3266 97994 5.88% 14550 436504 3.74%
13 3833 114999 6.68% 1813 54397 3.96% 3799 113973 6.84% 14234 427031 3.66%
14 1814 54434 3.16% 1790 53725 3.91% 1774 53224 3.19% 13577 407297 3.49%
15 1840 55212 3.21% 1818 54567 3.97% 1773 53206 3.19% 13441 403221 3.46%
16 1764 52927 3.07% 1747 52422 3.81% 1735 52057 3.12% 12128 363852 3.12%
17 1806 54201 3.15% 1787 53624 3.90% 1763 52912 3.17% 11888 356644 3.06%
18 1804 54127 3.14% 1786 53591 3.90% 1773 53195 3.19% 12112 363358 3.11%
19 1757 52730 3.06% 1743 52306 3.80% 1734 52028 3.12% 11800 353989 3.03%
20 1782 53481 3.11% 1766 53007 3.86% 1754 52620 3.16% 12667 379997 3.26%
21 1779 53397 3.10% 1769 53082 3.86% 1742 52289 3.14% 12966 388971 3.33%
22 2157 64720 3.76% 1799 53991 3.93% 1976 59286 3.56% 13208 396247 3.40%
23 2009 60273 3.50% 1770 53126 3.86% 1973 59216 3.55% 13535 406060 3.48%

Top 30 of 2672 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1112930 64.65% 1702426 14.59% /
2 33286 1.93% 343543 2.94% /webstat/
3 30927 1.80% 548769 4.70% /rubrique_soutien.php
4 30268 1.76% 3791650 32.50% /webstat/usage_202405.html
5 29828 1.73% 1281697 10.98% /phpinfo.php
6 22746 1.32% 138543 1.19% /rubrique.php/rubrique_login.php
7 18857 1.10% 110163 0.94% /rubrique_login.php
8 18854 1.10% 296333 2.54% /rubrique_don.php
9 8274 0.48% 49832 0.43% /rubrique.php/style/style/rubrique_login.php
10 6252 0.36% 49226 0.42% /rubrique.php
11 4691 0.27% 604312 5.18% /webstat/usage_202401.html
12 4680 0.27% 606055 5.19% /webstat/usage_202404.html
13 4679 0.27% 580534 4.98% /webstat/usage_202402.html
14 4655 0.27% 587073 5.03% /webstat/usage_202403.html
15 3117 0.18% 5835 0.05% /webstat/usage_202110.html
16 3047 0.18% 5031 0.04% /webstat/usage_202202.html
17 2771 0.16% 16271 0.14% /rubrique_login.php/rubrique_login.php
18 2368 0.14% 24466 0.21%
19 2257 0.13% 23318 0.20%
20 2105 0.12% 6640 0.06% /admin/login.php
21 1452 0.08% 33915 0.29% /index_default.php
22 905 0.05% 85528 0.73% /webstat/usage_202406.html
23 571 0.03% 3542 0.03% /rubrique_actu.php
24 483 0.03% 60525 0.52%
25 466 0.03% 24559 0.21% /phpinfo.php/PHP_BonusChallengeExploits.php
26 450 0.03% 3738 0.03% /rubrique.php/popup/rubrique.php
27 436 0.03% 3666 0.03% /rubrique.php/rubrique.php
28 416 0.02% 3765 0.03% /chromeless/chromeless.js
29 406 0.02% 3480 0.03% /rubrique.php/style/rubrique.php
30 389 0.02% 178 0.00% /admin/

Top 10 of 2672 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 30268 1.76% 3791650 32.50% /webstat/usage_202405.html
2 1112930 64.65% 1702426 14.59% /
3 29828 1.73% 1281697 10.98% /phpinfo.php
4 4680 0.27% 606055 5.19% /webstat/usage_202404.html
5 4691 0.27% 604312 5.18% /webstat/usage_202401.html
6 4655 0.27% 587073 5.03% /webstat/usage_202403.html
7 4679 0.27% 580534 4.98% /webstat/usage_202402.html
8 30927 1.80% 548769 4.70% /rubrique_soutien.php
9 33286 1.93% 343543 2.94% /webstat/
10 18854 1.10% 296333 2.54% /rubrique_don.php

Top 10 of 215 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1112930 64.65% 2922 19.10% /
2 33286 1.93% 2694 17.61% /webstat/
3 6252 0.36% 2193 14.34% /rubrique.php
4 29828 1.73% 1672 10.93% /phpinfo.php
5 30268 1.76% 620 4.05% /webstat/usage_202405.html
6 1452 0.08% 439 2.87% /index_default.php
7 436 0.03% 293 1.92% /rubrique.php/rubrique.php
8 450 0.03% 274 1.79% /rubrique.php/popup/rubrique.php
9 406 0.02% 274 1.79% /rubrique.php/style/rubrique.php
10 30927 1.80% 208 1.36% /rubrique_soutien.php

Top 10 of 231 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 33286 1.93% 2794 18.83% /webstat/
2 1112930 64.65% 2651 17.87% /
3 6252 0.36% 2233 15.05% /rubrique.php
4 29828 1.73% 1382 9.31% /phpinfo.php
5 1452 0.08% 661 4.45% /index_default.php
6 30268 1.76% 468 3.15% /webstat/usage_202405.html
7 436 0.03% 286 1.93% /rubrique.php/rubrique.php
8 450 0.03% 279 1.88% /rubrique.php/popup/rubrique.php
9 406 0.02% 253 1.70% /rubrique.php/style/rubrique.php
10 22746 1.32% 184 1.24% /rubrique.php/rubrique_login.php

Top 30 of 5128 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 606614 35.24% 606614 44.13% 107216 0.92% 39 0.25%
2 252608 14.67% 252608 18.37% 868340 7.44% 3 0.02%
3 143604 8.34% 70063 5.10% 1118886 9.59% 672 4.28%
4 103550 6.01% 199 0.01% 37589 0.32% 4 0.03%
5 102203 5.94% 102203 7.43% 351319 3.01% 1 0.01%
6 100726 5.85% 100726 7.33% 346246 2.97% 1 0.01%
7 88785 5.16% 153 0.01% 106269 0.91% 7 0.04%
8 49019 2.85% 49019 3.57% 3242173 27.79% 60 0.38%
9 45775 2.66% 33 0.00% 54511 0.47% 1 0.01%
10 28701 1.67% 28701 2.09% 17458 0.15% 30 0.19%
11 26125 1.52% 26125 1.90% 1147286 9.83% 100 0.64%
12 24725 1.44% 24725 1.80% 1809813 15.51% 97 0.62%
13 16962 0.99% 16962 1.23% 1241697 10.64% 3 0.02%
14 10208 0.59% 1151 0.08% 14862 0.13% 212 1.35%
15 8071 0.47% 8071 0.59% 83429 0.72% 4 0.03%
16 7913 0.46% 162 0.01% 10015 0.09% 10 0.06%
17 6029 0.35% 6029 0.44% 1408 0.01% 5 0.03%
18 4534 0.26% 4534 0.33% 974 0.01% 227 1.44%
19 3918 0.23% 953 0.07% 10228 0.09% 2 0.01%
20 2255 0.13% 39 0.00% 2962 0.03% 2 0.01%
21 2000 0.12% 2000 0.15% 460 0.00% 6 0.04%
22 1885 0.11% 1885 0.14% 436 0.00% 7 0.04%
23 1855 0.11% 1855 0.13% 19167 0.16% 5 0.03%
24 1583 0.09% 1583 0.12% 384 0.00% 5 0.03%
25 1305 0.08% 1305 0.09% 304 0.00% 2 0.01%
26 1288 0.07% 689 0.05% 11729 0.10% 17 0.11%
27 1119 0.06% 1119 0.08% 11562 0.10% 2 0.01%
28 1098 0.06% 1098 0.08% 74149 0.64% 3 0.02%
29 1092 0.06% 1092 0.08% 11278 0.10% 2 0.01%
30 1084 0.06% 1084 0.08% 11190 0.10% 2 0.01%

Top 10 of 5128 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 49019 2.85% 49019 3.57% 3242173 27.79% 60 0.38%
2 24725 1.44% 24725 1.80% 1809813 15.51% 97 0.62%
3 16962 0.99% 16962 1.23% 1241697 10.64% 3 0.02%
4 26125 1.52% 26125 1.90% 1147286 9.83% 100 0.64%
5 143604 8.34% 70063 5.10% 1118886 9.59% 672 4.28%
6 252608 14.67% 252608 18.37% 868340 7.44% 3 0.02%
7 102203 5.94% 102203 7.43% 351319 3.01% 1 0.01%
8 100726 5.85% 100726 7.33% 346246 2.97% 1 0.01%
9 606614 35.24% 606614 44.13% 107216 0.92% 39 0.25%
10 88785 5.16% 153 0.01% 106269 0.91% 7 0.04%

Top 30 of 2736 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 380689 22.11% - (Direct Request)
2 49548 2.88%
3 48974 2.84%
4 48973 2.84%
5 48965 2.84%
6 48958 2.84% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
7 48957 2.84%
8 41687 2.42%
9 28987 1.68%
10 28978 1.68%
11 28961 1.68%
12 28956 1.68%
13 28955 1.68%
14 28935 1.68%
15 28922 1.68%
16 28905 1.68%
17 28897 1.68%
18 28893 1.68%
19 28851 1.68%
20 28840 1.68%
21 28838 1.68%
22 28831 1.67%
23 28822 1.67%
24 28821 1.67%
25 28806 1.67%
26 28803 1.67%
27 28768 1.67%
28 28763 1.67%
29 21646 1.26%
30 21598 1.25%

Top 8 of 8 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 9 28.12%
2 5 15.62%
3 5 15.62%
4 4 12.50%
5 4 12.50%
6 2 6.25%
7 2 6.25%
8 1 3.12%

Top 7 of 7 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 39209 2.28% 39209 2.85% 8444 0.07% 89 0.57% admin
2 331 0.02% 331 0.02% 1156 0.01% 3 0.02% anonymous
3 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 10 0.00% 1 0.01% guest
4 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 4 0.00% 1 0.01% user
5 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% 1 0.01% cluster
6 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.01% geapacheuser
7 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% 1 0.01% root

Top 15 of 1550 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 607246 35.27% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 285238 16.57% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
3 202929 11.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Connect; X) Firefox/7.X
4 92614 5.38% DirBuster-1.0-RC1 (
5 88648 5.15% Fuzz Faster U Fool v2.1.0-dev
6 46653 2.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
7 46029 2.67% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +https://opensiteexplore
8 45744 2.66% gobuster/3.6
9 43003 2.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTM
10 29734 1.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
11 27739 1.61% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
12 26200 1.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
13 18570 1.08% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
14 12571 0.73% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, li
15 7658 0.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 30 of 64 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 777549 45.16% 587641 42.75% 9163621 78.54% Unresolved/Unknown
2 606633 35.24% 606629 44.13% 107470 0.92% Portugal
3 114685 6.66% 114675 8.34% 505602 4.33% Russian Federation
4 91198 5.30% 345 0.03% 113636 0.97% Argentina
5 65867 3.83% 17846 1.30% 321379 2.75% US Commercial
6 41684 2.42% 40666 2.96% 1292128 11.07% Network
7 10410 0.60% 1352 0.10% 19679 0.17% Indonesia
8 4534 0.26% 4534 0.33% 974 0.01% Samoa
9 2773 0.16% 2612 0.19% 7380 0.06% France
10 1935 0.11% 988 0.07% 17037 0.15% Israel
11 1547 0.09% 1480 0.11% 77157 0.66% Germany
12 822 0.05% 822 0.06% 23362 0.20% Tanzania
13 303 0.02% 269 0.02% 2616 0.02% India
14 213 0.01% 207 0.02% 1028 0.01% Belgium
15 168 0.01% 165 0.01% 2034 0.02% Brazil
16 157 0.01% 146 0.01% 456 0.00% China
17 126 0.01% 114 0.01% 348 0.00% Canada
18 124 0.01% 119 0.01% 630 0.01% Iran
19 115 0.01% 110 0.01% 1470 0.01% Poland
20 72 0.00% 69 0.01% 632 0.01% Colombia
21 70 0.00% 68 0.00% 144 0.00% New Caledonia
22 66 0.00% 55 0.00% 456 0.00% Turkey
23 64 0.00% 49 0.00% 452 0.00% Czech Republic
24 59 0.00% 59 0.00% 589 0.01% Uzbekistan
25 54 0.00% 50 0.00% 254 0.00% Egypt
26 42 0.00% 40 0.00% 78 0.00% Switzerland
27 28 0.00% 18 0.00% 246 0.00% Georgia
28 23 0.00% 20 0.00% 387 0.00% Non-Profit Organization
29 19 0.00% 3 0.00% 108 0.00% Australia
30 19 0.00% 0 0.00% 23 0.00% New Zealand (Aotearoa)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01